Hi this is NOT OK
House Joint Resolution (HJR) 3020 – introduced by Del. Henry Dillon, R-Wayne – calls for the Christian Bible to be formally recognized as the “inerrant foundational document for our society and government.”
The resolution describes the Bible as being “divinely inspired,” and calls for the inclusion of both the Old and New Testaments. The resolution further refers to the Bible as being “an accurate historical record of human and natural history, and the utmost authority for human moral behavior.”
Should the amendment be codified into the state’s constitution, the Bible would be given “a place of prominence and reverence in the public buildings, laws, policies, and schools of the state of West Virginia.”
“ 'Maga is profoundly corrupt, unmistakably anti-democracy and most importantly, Maga is explicitly a Nazi movement...
You may have replaced a swastika with a red hat, but that’s what it is.'
He was handcuffed by law enforcement officials and carried out of the chamber. The 43-year-old was charged with disrupting an assembly and was released after four hours in custody. He later said on social media that the police were 'polite and professional.' ”
#NFL #1stAmendment
“The Trump administration understands that it does not have absolute power and that it must rely on creating a false illusion of power to create a chilling effect to get everyday people to respond to fear, comply in advance, and censor their own free speech. Ultimately, in clear scenarios such as these, the best way to handle paper tigers is to call their bluff,”
- Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
#1stAmendment #CivilRights #RuleofLaw #AOC
Wired Magazine is doing the reporting that too much of the media is afraid to.
We can support them by subscribing - it only costs $5 for the first year.
Baseless SLAPP Suits Threaten the Speech Rights of All Americans #GregLukianoff #TheDispatch #FreeSpeech #FirstAmendment #1stAmendment #SLAPP #Lawsuit #Law #AnnSelzer #Iowa #DesMoinesRegister
"The Oklahoma Supreme Court struck down the school in a June ruling. A majority of the state’s highest court found the concept of a Catholic charter school to be a violation of both the Oklahoma and U.S. Constitution’s ban on government-established religion."
U.S. Supreme Court to hear Oklahoma Catholic charter school case
#OklahomaVoice #Oklahoma #SCOTUS #OKED #OklaEd #GentnerDrummond #FirstAmendment #1stAmendment
If there is an ultimate freedom of speech in the USA, it's freedom to advertise. No way the state of Florida will win this.
#Florida #DeSantis #DumbIdeas #Censorship #1stAmendment
Our American Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution intending to NOT dictate religion.
#TheConstitution is intended to allow everyone to seek God (or not seek Him at all) via their own path. They believed (wisely) that #FreedomOfSpeech and #FreedomOfReligion were entwined in the same basic human right.
You cannot have one freedom without the other, and you cannot give up one freedom without giving up the other.
Having ANY faith forced upon a person is NOT freedom of religion. It is #Theocracy.
U.S. Supreme Court sidesteps ruling on social media and free speech laws in Florida and Texas.
CBS News reports: "The 2021 laws came in response to what their GOP backers saw as discrimination by social media platforms against conservative viewpoints, claims that were amplified after Facebook and Twitter, now known as X, banned former President Donald Trump from their platforms after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol."
So maybe we will soon be able to yell fire in a crowded theatre, been waiting a long ass time #freespeech #1stamendment
An American woman got a ticket for beeping her car horn. Now she's asking the U.S. Supreme Court to sound off.
USA Today explains her argument: "Since the dawn of the automobile, car horns have sometimes served as a form of expression. Because of that, Porter says, beeping is protected under the First Amendment."
@libationlegacy Sigh. SMDH. Fucking crooks, basically. :( #cops #crime #Kansas #freeSpeech #journalism #1stAmendment #MarionCountyRecord
A great kick-off for #PrideMonth is this Federal Court ruling that overturns #Tennessee's #DragBan, saying it's #unconstitutional.
U.S. District Judge Thomas Parker ruled the #AdultEntertainmentAct (AEA) violates the separation-of-powers principle and infringes upon #FreedomOfSpeech protected through the #FirstAmendment.
>>The judge wrote that freedom of speech as designed in the First Amendment is “not just about speech,” but also about the right “to express one’s identity, and to realize self-fulfillment in a free society.” Tennessee’s law, he said, infringed upon those rights.<<
A great win for #LGBTQ Rights!
#Pride #LGBTQrights #LGBTQPrideMonth #TennesseeDragBan #FederalCourtRuling #Constitution #1stAmendment #DragShows
Doc 58 is an amended version of Doc 51 from #StabilityAI
• Footnote 1 changed from
"Stability AI consents to personal jurisdiction in this District solely for purposes of this action. Stability AI’s participation in this litigation should not be construed as consent to personal jurisdiction in this District for any other purpose or as a waiver of its right to contest personal jurisdiction in any other action."
"Stability AI consents to personal jurisdiction in this District solely for purposes of this action and any others raising substantially similar claims arising under the Copyright Act, DMCA and/or Lanham Act. Stability AI’s participation in this litigation should not be construed as consent to personal jurisdiction in this District for any other purpose or as a waiver of its right to contest personal jurisdiction in any other action."
I'm not a lawyer, but this feels like there may be some land mine in case law if they don't phrase their agreement to personal jurisdiction is a specific manner.
Doc 50 is a motion to strike by #DeviantArt the California Right-Of-Publicity claims which they think are forbidden by California Anti-SLAPP law and the #1stAmendment to the US Constitution.
It's such a good idea #Midjourney and #StabilityAI jump in (Docs 54 and 59, respectively.)