Kev is one of 6 main characters in the wheelchair basketball comic I'm working on. He's is a retired wheelchair rugby player - hence why his chair looks so different to the other characters I've drawn so far - and when his wife (who's art is coming soon) started a wheelchair basketball team, but was struggling to get the numbers to actually play, he signed up too.
Personality wise, Kev is the team's jokey uncle and is meant to be a direct foil to the more serious characters on the team, like Ruby. He's already done the whole "serious athlete thing" and while he enjoys the game, at the end of the day, just there to have fun and support his wife, and remind the younger members to not get too wrapped up in it all.
He's a quad amputee (through the palms on his hands, above the knee on his legs) and is missing a good chunk of his tail too, making him a low-pointer on the court. Low point players are those who's disabilities impact their ability to play more severally, and they usually play in more defensive and supportive rolls than high-point players.
#Furry #SFWFurry #FurryArt #crocodile #disabled #disability #amputee #wheelchairSports