The sunset warm temple by the icy blue pond
This temple complex in the north of Cambodia, on the border mountain range to the large northeast Isaan-region of Thailand, lays the levelled temple complex of Preah Vihear.
The name "Preah Vihear" comes from the Khmer words "Preah" (sacred) and "Vihear" (abode or shrine). The temple is also sometimes referred to as "Phnom Preah Vihear" (mountain of Preah Vihear).
The large temple complex was built during a century one thousand years ago. It has been a Cambodian World Cultural Heritage site for nearly twenty years.
As a tourist attraction, the temple is a popular travelling target with all the usual and some unique reasons. The location and the view and outlook of the surrounding areas are special. The combination of several Angkor art and architectural styles into one complex is very interesting.
It is a mountain temple, but the access is easy going after you have paid someone with 4x4 to drive you up. Not wheel chair accessible, but seniors and other who are able to walk can visit easily.
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