Gee, it's a mystery! If you're an idiot.
As tuberculosis cases rise in the US and worldwide, health officials puzzle over the resurgence of a disease once in decline

Gee, it's a mystery! If you're an idiot.
As tuberculosis cases rise in the US and worldwide, health officials puzzle over the resurgence of a disease once in decline
New paper just published.
When a pandemic occurs, a hard lockdown is an obvious and effective way to stop it. However, lockdowns come with serious societal issues. For example, during COVID-19, a critical mass of people opposing lockdowns coalesced in Britain. This was mainly due to two demographic groups, namely self-employed people, who were concerned about their own economic losses, and parents, who dreaded the prospect of having to be closed in the same home with their own kids. Seeking validation and trying to promote their own personal interests, these people became main spreaders of disinformation, eventually falling prey of state-sponsored populistic and anti-science propaganda machines.
In this study, we show that one can use optimization and control theory to introduce only light travel restrictions between macroareas, such as states or regions within a country, yielding better final results in terms of infections and economic damage than those that were actually obtained at the time.
Hi Jana, using hashtags really helps a lot finding the right people to follow.
Welcome and enjoy!
New blog post: Singing Tubercular songs with Fader Movitz
As expected with the new trending far-right agenda, Trump is starting his scienticide with the NIH.
Who would like to know if people have health issues or if there are #Pandemics? Not the far-right.
Covid is but a prelude for how states will handle the era of catastrophic climate change. It is a test run of what happens when powerful elites deem the public disposable…
—Sarah Kendzior, They Knew
#climatechange #pandemics
William Hirst says that a #narrative that leaves out information “induces forgetting of the unmentioned material.”
#Talking about other parts of the story actively leads people to forget what is not discussed. “We seem to have a brain that is designed to build a collective memory around collective remembering and collective forgetting,” he explains. “Why? It’s adaptive. We’re social creatures oriented toward our in-group and away from out-groups. Memory is designed to reinforce our in-group membership.” @psychology @socialpsych @histodons
And in 1million years time or a billion years time when there are strange terminal #diseases worst than #cancer which is presently killing millions of #children & young #people today, not just the elderly, strange lung #infections and incurable/undiagnosable #epidemics & #pandemics etcetera, the same #demons #future #generations will turn to blaming #God, very funny.
They blame God for everything, but they are their own problem.
Horribly shallow #minds
I periodically fuss about paywalls on various things, but especially climate. I advocate for what I tentatively call a "paywall exception". I finally wrote a short blog essay explaining what this is about.
Plus, #ClimateCrisis, #pandemics, #ecosystem #collapse #FoodShortages & so on, are much harder to respond to when we pre-occupied by idiots trying to make things worse.
"How Trump’s “Mass Deportation” Plan Would Ruin America
It would be brutal, costly, & likely illegal.
Undocumented Immigrants Pay Billions of Dollars in Taxes. [it turns out]
Deporting 7 million workers would “reduce national employment by an amount similar to that experienced during the Great Recession.” GDP would immediately contract by 1.4 percent, & , eventually, by 2.6 percent. In 20 years, the US economy would shrink nearly 6 percent—or $1.6 trillion. Trump’s plan would lead to a dire shortage of low-wage workers, which would “bring on a recession while reigniting inflation.
a 50 percent decrease in the farm labor supply could result in a 21% increase in the prices of hand-picked crops. “If [immigrant workers] just disappeared overnight, I do not think that we in this country could grow enough food.”"
Informative analysis - and making a case for better surveillance to detect emerging disease threats as well.
Why the New Human Case of Bird Flu Is So Alarming
Climate change and pandemics: “The research indicates even slightly raised levels of CO2, which are increasing in the atmosphere with the onset of climate change, can significantly improve the rate of virus survival and the risk of it spreading.” #ClimateChange #Viruses #COVIDisAirborne #SARSCoV2 #CO2 #pandemics
The more I read of #Covid revisionists, the more I want to tell about this book--a detailed look at the history of crappy approach to #pandemics.
" The disproportionate harm experienced by marginalized individuals is not the product of their own decisions; instead, the collective choices of society and the tangled web of interactions across people and communities leave these groups most exposed to the perils of epidemics."
#medical #inequality
Join us for the #CLIMADEMIC #SummerSchool 2024, exploring the nexus of #ClimateChange & #Pandemics.
July 22-26, 2024
More information and programme details
My former history teacher wrote a book ‘Pandemics in Singapore: 1819-2022’
Of note is the mention that during the colonial period, locals often did not report infectious diseases to the British colonial authorities as they often quarantined them in horrific situations. Also discusses SARS of early 2000s (I remember taking my temp daily in sch); and of course Covid-19
The link between climate change and a spate of rare disease outbreaks in 2023
"The temperature-sensitive pathogens that caught U.S. communities off guard are a grim preview of the future."
"where science is used to deal with plagues, #pandemics, #social and #ecological problems related to our increasing impact on the planet and #health, #inequalities and #HumanRights violations, the post-normal approach may be seen as natural. [...]
On the contrary, perspectives that tend to reduce the #complexity of these choices to easy one-dimensional metrics and present these as the stark facts on which politics must act, are the ones that most tragically—often—lead to wrong choices" [1]
First wave of national #minipublic reports are out!
What do our participants advise #EUpolicymakers on how to better manage (scientific) knowledge and #politicaltrust for future #pandemics?
How were they crafted and what to prioritize?
#pandemicpolitics #regroup #citizensjury#deliberativedemocracy #covid19research
@pierotortola @politicalscience
In this #PLOSBiology Perspective, the authors argue that a failure to integrate T cell #immunity as a determinant of #vaccine efficacy could curtail the development of newer vaccines to help us prepare for future #pandemics.
Animal-To-Human Diseases Could Kill 12 Times More People By 2050 | Ginkgo Bioworks, published by GlobalHealthBMJ BMJ_latest
#pandemics #epidemics #zoonotic #spillover #Virus #GlobalHealth #ClimateCrisis #deforestation