#WritersCoffeeClub 15/3. Are you aware of any fanfiction about your work?
No. Next question?
Would I be flattered? Depends if the fanfic author ‘gets it’.
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#WritersCoffeeClub #WCC 2503.14 — What new themes are you currently exploring?
Not sure if it's a theme or not, but in Mars Needed Women I'm exploring what happens when a world of endpoint religio-fascist nations run by squabbling oligarchs who value loyalty over brains meet a no-nonsense brainy woman (a Martian colonist) who's been pushed too far too often by too many men, who's unwilling to play the old male-power-dominance game, who's unwilling to play by any the rules if it means saving her daughters and all the children born on Mars.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#RSstory #RSMarsNeededWomen
#WordWeavers 2503.14 — Antagonist POV: Do you want to be perceived as “good?”
Want? As in feeding my ego? I'm mature enough that I don't need that. It depends on the task and what happens if I fail. Do people die if I fail? Usually, I don't care then if people perceive me as good or bad, only that I keep people from dying. If being perceived as good helps me in my goals, I work at it. I'll literally charm the clothes off them and [NSFW] if it helps. Regardless, it's human nature to not like other people getting in the way of their need for power. There's always someone who doesn't like the way I run things, the peace I maintain. Bear in mind, I didn't want to be perceived as good when I invaded the dragon lands and occupied their northern prefecture, simply effective.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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#RSstory #RSReluctanceStory
#ScribesAndMakers 2503.14 — When writing dialogue, do you include everything from hello to goodbye or stick to what's essential?
Greetings are an establishment shot, like in the movies, highlighting the social hierarchy and setting level of civility, but from that point on I work to include just the essentials in the dialogue. Less is more. Composition is hard only because I can become exhausted, lose the thread, then lose the inspiration. Revision has no time restraint, and words committed are like photos on a digital camera—you can delete them; you can post-process them.
As for farewells? Not often seen in any of my stories. I like to end scenes, even those with dialog, hanging at a mystery, a threatening plot point, or my favorite: a darkly humorous note or a punch line.
[Author retains copyright (c)2025 R.S.]
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Bernard's Star, finally. Like Jupiter sized up, all stars probably have planets even if moon sized. Great explainer on history, too.
#WordWeavers Mar 14: Antagonist POV: Do you want to be perceived as “good?”
"I do not want to be perceived at all. Our mission is not to be known. If we succeed, no one will know we were here."
Just ahead of my March 18th book release (and on Pi day!!!), the LA Times ran a wonderful review by Ilana Masad of THE EXPERT OF SUBTLE REVISIONS. The final paragraph below:
“The Expert of Subtle Revisions” isn’t a political book, per se, nor is it moralizing. Menger-Anderson doesn’t overtly connect 1933 Vienna with the first and second Trump administrations in Hase’s near future. Instead, the plot follows Hase’s investigation of her father’s disappearance and Anton and Zedlacher’s eventual encounter with time traveler Haskell. But as Hase herself knows from editing Wikipedia, neither history nor language are neutral, and Menger-Anderson superbly demonstrates how a writer needn’t shy away from the political tensions of a historical period but can use them to heighten and contextualize setting, character and plot."
#books #writing #writersofmastodon #WritingCommunity #bookstodon @bookstodon@a.gup.pe @bookstodon@fedigroups.social
#ScribesAndMakers Mar 14: Dialogue, everything from hello to goodbye or stick to essentials?
It depends on the scene, the characters, the "vibe," etc. Generally, though, I do like to include all the awkwardness and pauses and staring out the window. I like to hear the sound of cutlery clinking on plates, wind whipping rain against the window, people clearing their throats. That's all part of the scene.
#WritersCoffeeClub Day 14: What are new themes you are currently exploring?
Compulsive behaviour. Learning to control anger. Learning to live with the times when you failed to control your anger. When violence is justified and when it's rationalized. Exploitation of children by adults who've formed institutional "missions" to rationalize that exploitation. It's all but anarchist.
On Sunday, 3/16, @saposcat will be our featured creator for our 'Talk To Me Day', an effort to get more engagement by featuring writers and other creative people and giving everyone interested the opportunity to ask them questions. And you will get replies, not immediately but throughout the day.
You can read more about what it's about
here: https://write.as/scribesandmakers/about
and here: https://indieauthors.social/@saposcat/114160221421777884