"A Dog's Prayer" (Part 1)
by Anne Ahlert
In Heaven,
There are no Thundershirts
And no Evil Sounds;
There are lots of treats
And none of them makes me feel tired,
Or foggy, or unable to run & play:
In Heaven,
There will be lots of fun car rides
To places where my humans
Get yummy food they share with me:
And to doggie toy stores
Where I pick out new toys & chews;
And to dog parks,
Where I will run off leash all day,
And make lots of friends like me;
None of the car rides will be
Long hours spent trying to find
Peaceful silence and sanctuary
From the bangs, the pops, and whistling fizzles,
But especially from the huge
House-shaking BOOMS
That even the Thundershirts
And strange treats cannot save me...
[Continued in next toot]