been watching this nature documentary unfold in real time. a carolina wren made her nest in my potted plant, and the chicks hatched within the last few days. currently watching mama bird go back and forth to feed them.
wow! so it turns out there is a brown-headed cowbird chick in the nest. this is bad for the wrens, but really amazing to watch it play out. nature is metal.
@autumn I learned from a webinar a couple years ago that the Carolina wren is the second loudest bird per volume
@jeana wow! that’s such a neat fact!
@autumn parasitic birds are assholes
@scully if i could drop my eggs in somebody else’s nest and get some other parents to raise them, i’d probably have kids.
@autumn Our resident cowbird baby must've gotten big enough that it's moved on, but yeesh are they annoying!
Watching the big ole baby harry the little wren for food al the while making the most annoying "cheep" trills always ticks me off.
@sreston i honestly don’t mind it! they get a bad rap, but they’re just doing what they evolved to do.