is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Mastodon instance focused on the Triangle region of North Carolina. Keeping out jerks since 2019. Anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-TERF.

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@Tutanota This is kind of clickbait. A less manipulative headline would qualify that it leaks the IP to _the recipient_ of the call and that this is due to the VoIP protocol being _peer to peer_.

I won't argue that Signal is a more secure app, but Peer to Peer calling is not a security vulnerability. Many security focused people would consider peer to peer VoIP desirable. Especially since the alternative is the calls going through Telegram's servers

@Tutanota TBH when looking into this I was both surprised and disappointed to discover that Signal calling wasn't peer to peer.