Just found out North America is getting a total solar eclipse 8 Apr 2024. Durham will see a partial eclipse: ~82% totality. That's pretty good! https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/solar/2024-april-8
Specific to Durham: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/usa/durham?iso=20240408
Looking forward to this a lot. :) #solarEclipse #eclipse
Guy Ottewell's drawing for the 8 April 2024 eclipse: https://www.universalworkshop.com/2023/07/14/return-to-tower-and-lake/
@jhv I saw the total eclipse in 2017, drove down to Spartanburg so I could see it in full totality. It was AMAZING.
if you have the means to see 100% totality, absolutely do it. It's a monumental experience.
@jenigrant Back when I was single and had money & a job, I would look at upcoming solar eclipses & think about trips, but I never did it. I did see a partial here in Durham sometime between 1989 and maybe 1996. Then I saw another a few years ago. But yes, I would *love* to see a full.
@rossgrady @jhv We're going to be near Dallas, hoping for clear skies. I drove to Greenville, SC for the 2017 eclipse and vowed to be in the path of totality in 2024 as well.
@rossgrady @TriangleManNC Sounds like a story that should be written up for Reader's Digest. ;)