Local music folx: anyone seen a Day Party spreadsheet for #Hopscotch '23 yet?
at least I don't have to make too many hard decisions on Thurs as I'll likely spend that afternoon at Ruby D. It'll be weird not being at Slims, tho.
@sreston Haven't seen a spreadsheet, but here's the schedule. Click the arrow next to the venue to see what bands are playing. https://hopscotchmusicfest.com/day-parties/
@aburtch about that schedule... I noticed that if I do a find-in-page in any of my browsers, it won't find anything unless I click-open EVERY triangle on the page. Sigh.
So was hoping for the spreadsheet that often shows up at some point...
@sreston Oooooh, that sucks. Someone usually does a spreadsheet. @rossgrady and on Twitter @allisonhussey might know if she's attending from NYC this year.
@sreston sounds like i’ve got a project for the weekend.