Today's garden volunteer. Probably a peach or nectarine tree. #gardening #garden
Today's garden volunteer. Probably a peach or nectarine tree. #gardening #garden
Just finished up this potting bench for my daughter. The frame is poplar painted with 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of an exterior acrylic latex. The bench top is white oak finished with tung oil. Both the top and the bottom shelf are removable with 1/4-20" stainless steel hex bolts to make maintenance easier.
Finished this original painting today! I adore SPRING! Flowers are blooming everywhere and I am totally inspired. :)
Golden Sunflowers - An original signed painting by Sharon Cummings j 30x6x1.5
We officially started spring planting today. Managed to get kinnikinnick (x2), English Thyme (x2), a Blue Bog Ice Rosemary, and periwinkle (x6) plants in the ground, plus sowed seed for general wildflowers (in the parking strip), Danish yarrow and California poppies. But best of all: this year I got to transplant a volunteer lavender plant that's been growing in the garden path I've been waiting two years to do this! I wanted her to be strong! I hope she makes it.
To rid your garden of common mugwort you have to dig it up and remove the long rhizomes from every clump. It took me two years of hard work to eliminate it. Now other gardeners say, "Oh, you're so lucky that your plot doesn't have that weed." #garden #gardening #weeds #mugwort #allotment
Can anyone tell me if you are planting in a container/raised bed does the spacing requirements shorten or should we stick with what the seeds state for spacing?
#Gardening #GardenersOfFediversee
#PNW # Homestead
OK, it's time for the seed inventory: which are still viable, and which need to be replenished?
Nightshade seedlings start today above a heat mat. I'm planning
Weed pit in my plot at the community garden. After it's full I'll top it off with soil and start another one. Keeps the garden tidy and over time becomes organic fertilizer. I know this is likely boring to most but I've noticed that many of my fellow gardeners throw their garden refuse onto the paths between plots. #gardening #allotment #weeds #compost #composting #garden
Whew! I knew this was going to be a tricky replanting and it was but went more smoothly than I'd expected. This mini bog started out in 2023 as a random throwing things together with different Sundew seed stalks, moss and some Butterworts in a Tupperware-type container using coconut coir as the growing medium and I actually didn't expect it to survive. It seemed to (mostly) do okay and it was time to move it to a larger container.
Moved all but two of my Rattlesnake pole beans into pressed paper pots. Those last two are being very stubborn I need to top off the pots with more soil.
Later I'll move the Pink Brandywine tomatoes. First, though, I'll have to fill another set of paper pots with Mel's Mix and bring in extra.
I can hardly believe this is all working (so far). My black thumb apparently is spotted with green.
What to do with this (potentially) useful pile of bricks? #Gardening
Quite a few items popped up over the last few days:
* Several varieties of tomatoes (brandywine, san marzano, isis, coustralee, tomatillo)
* Several basils and other herbs
Still waiting on peppers, eggplants to show. Today or tomorrow, we'll do round two, with more of the same and some other items that (we think) are better to start later.
Probably start a tray of lettuces and a few herb pots, too.
We're adding a significant amount of square footage (in boxes) to our current space, so later today I'll start planning how space will be allocated. But for now, it's really just about growing a bunch -- the more, the better.
Although the weather is grey and wet, during morning I managed to plant and seed a lot of flowers and vegetables.
Family is resting after lunch and I'm off into the garden to do more work
Absolutely beautiful Sunday
I love these darling little Viola faces and their sweet scent so much. They have been self-seeding into all of our planters for years, not one looking exactly like the other #BloomScrolling #SilentSunday #spring #gardening #OrganicGardening #balconyGarden
#Garten #gardening
Die wilden Cyclamen haben sich in der Ritze zwischen senkrechten und waagrechten Steinen angesiedelt. Wie soll ich die da bloß rauskriegen?
Well the weeds are starting to sprout, and the grass is greening up, so I've been sowing seeds in the outdoor beds this morning. Now to see how many survive the pigeons, the starlings, the various birds, the mice, the slugs, the snails, and the neighbour's cat shitting on the flowerbed.
The odds are always stacked against flowers around here.
#Gardening #GardenersWorld