Nomi wall lamp that's absolutely adorable to have on the wall. Invigorating charm
I was at my knitting group today when I heard a car alarm go off. The centre staffer said it happened every day, apparently the local magpie pecks on the car window so much it sets off the alarm
#birds #Melbourne #Australia #magpies
In Australian News
Magpie behaviour expert says that you can avoid being swooped by talking to them. I enjoy talking to curious magpies when I encounter them.
#Australia #magpies
My father had #dementia.
When we had #Foxtel he used to love watching Hogan’s Heroes. (Foxtel played it in 2 episode blocks, then later in the day would replay the same 2 episodes.)
He’d watch them all, saying he hadn’t seen them before.
He did this in our loungeroom with the meshed doors open, day after day.
He also loved #magpies & would feed them bits of bread if he saw them through the meshed doors.
My better half & I were sitting on our patio one weekend & the local magpies flew in & landed on our front yard.
No surprise there. But then they started singing at us.
We both looked at each other & started laughing.
The maggies were doing their version of the Hogan’s Heroes theme!
Eventually we had to put my dad into care. We were both working & he wasn’t able to look after himself.
We’d come home to broken windows because he thought he’d locked himself out when he hadn’t or the hot plates on the stove were on full & partially melted pots that once held food were sizzling away.
He had a car & managed to crash it into the house twice.
It was getting dangerous.
He hated the thought of being in the local #agedcare facility, but with his dementia, after a few days he believed he was staying in a resort.
When the (almost entirely female) staff came to his room he thought they were his girlfriends. The ladies liked him & took his fantasy good naturedly.
My dad believed he was now living the high life, living in a resort & shacked up with multiple girlfriends.
After he went into care the magpies continued their #HogansHeroes singing for maybe 6 months.
It was funny & it was sad.
*edited to fix a typo
As #Spring is starting soon in #Australia, I thought I'd share this website where you can find areas #magpies have been reported to swoop in, as well as submit your own reports for others.
These two have adopted my front yard. They sing each morning to wake me up and I feed them a few times a week (special magpie food).
When I take their food out they spend the next five minutes serenading me.
My front yard is densely planted with flowering native shrubs and trees.
As well as the maggies, Rainbow Lorikeets, Honeyeaters, Noisy Miners, Butcher birds, Kookaburras, plus lots of others come visiting each day.
Call me the Magpie Saviour!
So, I noticed the magpies having a Barney with what I assumed was another bird in their tree. Except they are the most agro birds around and they were clearly afraid of whatever was in their tree.
I went out to see if I could photograph bird drama, and saw not a bird in their tree... but a CAT. #birds #magpies #cats
The surprising key to #magpie intelligence: it’s not genetic
Heritability of cognitive performance in wild Western Australian #magpies: Elizabeth Speechley et al.
"the key factor influencing how quickly the fledglings learned to pick the correct colour was the size of their social group. #Birds raised in larger groups solved the test significantly faster than those growing up in smaller social groups."
I've just seen a magpie stashing a beakful of food under a tile on our roof, and then covering with a bit of something (maybe moss), before flying off. Is hiding food common behaviour for them?
(Location: Dublin, Ireland)
(cc @loren)
I should change the wall calendar. I haven't done it yet. That is probably bad luck. But then again, I went on a walk yesterday and saw a bunch of bloody goddamn #magpies, and that is horrendous luck. #IAmCursed. #TrulyCursed.
You got questions about Australian magpies? So does Emma and the internet has her covered!
had negative miles range for the last four miles back. Had to go out to the charging station twice to get it on charge, because the first time I stuck it on it canceled itself out of it for no reason. And on top of that, I have had to reset every internet device at home three times because fucking #plusnet.
Cursed with technology today, fucking cursed. I blame those #magpies the other day. I hate a #Magpie. 2/2