#Ukraine #DigAndSell #Russia
Notice: I don't fully trust the source. Maybe later.
But the point made is valid.
Will Western countries really boycot the dig and sell economy of #Russia.
Recent devellopments on natural gas and oil don't give much hope.
"Why the #US and its #allies won't isolate #Russia — #RussiaUkraineWar #US #OilandGas #EU" [ ± 1min]
by GZEROMedia
Quote by Gm:
"Jun 24, 2024
The reality is Russia is the largest country in the world geographically and within that territory. They have an awful lot of very important natural resources. They've got oil, they've got gas, they've got platinum, they've got diamonds, they've got uranium, they've got food, they've got fertilizer. And the United States and Europe, if they were so concerned about the war in Ukraine that they were truly willing to cut that off, they could. But it would cost them.
It would cost them because the world would be in a global recession out of not getting that oil and gas. It would cost them because a lot of the nuclear plants in the West wouldn't have uranium, and the prices would go way up. And they don't want to spend that money. And it would cost them because a lot of people in the Global South would starve, because they wouldn't have access to the food and fertilizer, except at a higher cost that they can't afford to pay. And the West isn't willing to pay that cost to take that risk and to squeeze the Russians that hard."
#SlavaUkraini ! #HeroyamSláva!