@GrimmReality Yes we need more of that, and #buyCanadian add that to the #danish and #EU list of things to do. #denmarkpolitics #eupol #cdnpoli
@GrimmReality Yes we need more of that, and #buyCanadian add that to the #danish and #EU list of things to do. #denmarkpolitics #eupol #cdnpoli
#American #Gestapo wannabes in #ICE have now abducted a #Canadian small-business woman and former actor, Jasmine Mooney who was traveling to San Diego to renew her work visa. She has been shackled inhumanely in #Arizonistan for two weeks. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jasmine-mooney-actor-detained-by-ice_n_67d83e6be4b0dade360cd495
Shout out to the Canadians who have been emailling the Royal Watch newsletter at the BBC about King Charles!
"But there is no avoiding the tensions and contradictions in this balancing act. Emails from Canadians to the BBC's Royal Watch newsletter show that many want a much more robust defence from the King.
"What a cop out! Throw Canada to the wolves. Giving us back pats for our flag's anniversary doesn't quite cut it. Here sits a monarchist who is seriously rethinking his allegiance to the crown!" emailed Brian, a Canadian military veteran.
Carol in Vancouver was unhappy at the invitation from the UK for a second state visit by President Trump.
"I feel ashamed for the Brits feeling they have to follow through with inviting such a boor for dinner. For the life of me I do not understand why he has this power over you," she wrote.
"As a Canadian, the invitation is a slap in the face to the people of Canada. If the King is our King (as we are a Commonwealth country), and Trump is basically at war with us, how dare King Charles give him any credence?" emailed Patricia.
"As a Canadian I am saddened, appalled, disgusted and angry that King Charles appears to be joining the conga line of supplicants," said Jo-Ann in Ontario.
But King Charles will have to keep to the line set by ministers, and if that means maintaining good relations with Trump, he is unlikely to be saying anything more outspoken.”
#CanPoli #CdnPoli #KingCharles #MarkCarney #TrumpTariffs #BuyCanadian #51stState #Trump
‘Prior to all of this, one of our most popular spinach was Popeye Spinach. We used to sell 60 to 80 bags a day of that stuff,” said Innis. “In the last week that we had it, we sold two bags. That’s a message.” https://www.vicnews.com/local-news/us-produce-wears-out-welcome-with-victoria-grocery-store-7879210 #BuyCanadian #TradeWar #Tariffs #ElbowsUp
#TIL #Carney has Been Living Rent-Free in Our Wallets This Whole Time! Suck it #PeePee #TimbitTrump
What is a good #Canadian website for buying items designed by Canadians, like T-shirts and things? Like Red Bubble or Cafe Press. #BuyCanadian
@cbcnews Your headline: “Should Canada turn the other cheek?” is so offensive that words fail me. We are not ever contemplating “turning the other cheek”. We are promoting #BuyCanadian, we are building new trade agreements, we are loudly proclaiming our Canadian pride and posting #ElbowsUp. You should be reinforcing this rather than trying to play devil’s advocate. There is no negotiating with evil, no pacifying a bully. #ShameOnYou. #FourthEstateFilth https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/tariffs-retaliatory-1.7482385
HBC was started in 1670. Its downfall was accelerated after it was bought out by an American businessman and then an American equity company.
Another Canadian business was ruined by Americans. Why do we let this happen over and over?
As we push for #BuyCanadian, we must show disagreement for our most successful businesses getting acquired by capitalists from foreign countries.
We really need to save #Canada from those Canadian media channels and companies owned by Americans.
It is not because they are conservative-leaning. They are low-key normalizing those attacks against Canada and undermining our responses.
Support CBC and independent local and indie media.
Canadians are more and more planning vacations in… Canada , instead of the United States of America
Opinion: Yay :) Should we give this movement its own name?
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Les Canadiens planifient de plus en plus de vacances au… Canada , au lieu des États-Unis d’Amérique
Opinion: Yé! :) Devrait-on donner à ce mouvement son propre nom?
// Article en anglais //
This is a thing. I am Canadian. I am a participant.
#cdnpoli #buycanadian