This week I am positively chuffed about evolving hackable platforms.
I've been grooving on writing #lua to integrate the various cogs and gears of Neovim's rich ecosystem of software development tools, and it's reminded me of just how much I love feeling like I'm playing with incredibly powerful LEGOs, carefully choosing the ons I want, then stacking and connecting them, ultimately building something powerful and beautiful.
The key is everyone agreeing upon protocols so everything can be pieced together easily.
And when I say 'evolution' I mean actually being able to build upon those protocols and agreements up the stack in ways that bring value to end users.
Language servers are a great example. There is a ton of missing connective tissue to help developers actually leverage LSP features, but the @neovim core team is working hard on filling that gap.
The vim.lsp.config features added in 0.11 are a great example of this. They make LSP configuration vastly easier.
I've been building some of same said connective tissue in my own configuration, and maybe I can contribute some of that upstream to Neovim core.
Anyway, enough gushing :)