The laundry song - farideh #momlife
The laundry song - farideh #momlife
I think my masto fam will like this one.
7 was whining during the talk before mine... Which was about domestic issues during lockdown including childcare challenges. I was carrying 7 when I got called so I took him to the front of the room with me and said "I relate to the challenges of childcare".
Always start a talk with a good laugh.
The Toddler is starting to use names for siblings. Big brother's name is "Boo."
Now imagine a small kid voice saying "Hi! Hi Boo!" with great excitement, and be amazed that I'm not dead from the cute.
Kid1 built a blanket fort
Kid2 thought it would make a good hammock
Both kids ended up disappointed, but thankfully not mad at each other
I got home from retrieving Kid2 from preschool to discover the rice pudding I'd left simmering had not been watched *like I'd asked* and instead boiled over and welded the lid to the pot
It took 10 minutes of fussing but I finally got the lid off *with a can opener*
There isn't a pillow big enough or a corner far away enough in this house for me to scream as much as I need to right now
Me, walking out of Lowe’s with my new cordless hedge trimmer and a smug grin on my face, knowing what I did to the cord of its predecessor last week upon being startled by something buzzing. I have many talents. Using power tools safely is not one. #momlife
Me: “hey snugglewuffins where does the president keep his armies!” My son half asleep putting on his shirt “grumbles” me: “In his sleevies!!!!” My son deadpans “not funny mommy!” #goodMorning #momLife #BadJokes
So my 16 yo wanted to know what I've been "tweeting" lately. I handed him my phone and giggled while he scrolled through.
Boring, boring, boooring...
Repeat until sometime in December.
Yesterday’s parent conference was the best. Yes, she’s smart, independent & meeting benchmarks. I knew that. Then came, “She is a pleasure to have in class. She is kind & a friend to all.” I was beaming!
Those words matter to me. My cute kid who is smart & born into privilege is going to have it a lot easier than most. How she treats everyone else she encounters is what will define her. She will be a good human; that is all I care about. #MomLife
What does one wear to a Parent-Teacher conference where the teacher is def young enough to biologically be one’s child?
Catch me in my frock?
Last night I went to Family Fun Night at P’s school. It’s always been a “You’re not one of us” attitude I’ve encountered while living in the sticks. One mother (also not a native) ran up to me, cooing over my “replica” sweater & how much she also respected the woman who wore it in the 80s.
In a building full of Carhartt, camo & thin blue liners, be a Diana. Someone will notice. #momlife
1. Parent-teacher conferences. Child's Advanced Math teacher said she's doing great and definitely belongs in the class. That's a big deal! She didn't qualify by the test. We had to be overbearing parents to get a trial basis exception for her. Whew!
2. Food prep. Chopping things in advance made taco dinner much quicker.
3. Comparing other steampunk books to my post-apocalyptic steampunk western, for ad keywords. Really fascinating.
I must look like a major pain in the ass. The deli counter guys always ask how I want the turkey sliced. My response, “However you wanna slice it.” And then they laugh and realize I’m not as high maintenance as I (must) look. #momlife
Asked kiddo #2 (4yo) to circle the books that they really really really want. I suggested they circle about 3
Every page in the flyer looks like this