Just added the Ancient Greek inscriptions to my replica of the #AntikytheraMechanism. Grab your own virtual copy at
Just added the Ancient Greek inscriptions to my replica of the #AntikytheraMechanism. Grab your own virtual copy at
Here is something a little different.
I submitted something similar to last year's #Astrofest photo contest, but it was rejected on account of too low a resolution.
This is a much improved version, using a full moon.
What we have is last night's #Moon with today's #Sun superimposed upon it.
Shot on a #Dwarf3 and post processed in #googlephotos , #Snapseed, and PrintImprover.
The best blood moon photo I've seen so far https://app.astrobin.com/i/i3b77j
APOD from 2025-03-16
#Venus and the Triply Ultraviolet Sun
In 2012, Venus eclipsed the Sun, creating a rare Venusian annular #eclipse. As Venus aligned with the Sun, it appeared as a dark spot moving across our star. Captured in ultraviolet by the Solar Dynamics Observatory, this event won't recur until 2117.
HD image at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap250316.html#space #astronomy #earth #moon #planet
Firefly's 'Athena' Lander Watched Friday's Eclipse - from the Moon - "For the first time in history, a privately operated lunar lander has captured ima... - https://science.slashdot.org/story/25/03/15/2217247/fireflys-athena-lander-watched-fridays-eclipse---from-the-moon?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed #moon
#NielDeGrasseTyson posted this on Facebook yesterday (25 March 2025).
The moon being properly ominous last night.
#moon #FullMoon #MoonOverMastodon
Last night's lunar eclipse as viewed from the Moon.
Photo by Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost lander.
APOD from 2025-03-15
Tololo Totality
On Pi day, March 14, the Full #Moon underwent a total #lunar #eclipse, passing through #Earth's shadow. A composite image from Chile shows the eclipse phases with vivid colors and a bluish tint from ozone-filtered sunlight at the edge.
HD image at https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap250315.html#space #astronomy #planet
Dead Athena Moon Lander Seen Inside Its Crater Grave From Lunar Orbit - From a Space.com article: Athena, the second lunar lander from Houston company Int... - https://science.slashdot.org/story/25/03/15/0447257/dead-athena-moon-lander-seen-inside-its-crater-grave-from-lunar-orbit?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed #moon
Tololo Totality
* Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek/CTIO (Cerro Tololo Observatory) /AURA/NSF/ NOIRLab
On March 14 the Moon was Full. In an appropriate celebration of Pi day, that put the Moon 3.14 radians (180 degrees) in ecliptic longitude from the Sun in planet Earth's sky. As a bonus for fans of Pi and the night sky, on that date the Moon also passed directly through Earth's umbral shadow in a total lunar eclipse. In clear skies, the colors of an eclipsed Moon can be vivid. Reflecting the deeply reddened sunlight scattered into Earth's shadow, the darkened lunar disk was recorded in this time series composite image from Cerro Tololo Observatory, Chile. The lunar triptych captures the start, middle, and end of the total eclipse phase that lasted about an hour. A faint bluish tint seen just along the brighter lunar limb at the shadow's edge is due to sunlight filtered through Earth's stratospheric ozone layer.
I forgot to post this yesterday! Pre-eclipse moon rising over the neighborhood Franciscan monastery.
Watching the best of the lunar eclipse
The total lunar eclipse of March 13 – 14, 2025 did not disappoint! We resolved to capture images from the late partial eclipse to maximum eclipse, mostly to be able to fit in a little sleep! Catching it all, which we could from our North America location, would have required, essentially, an all-night session. Just a bit too much!
Early partial eclipse. The brighter shadow within the penumbra lights the top portion of this image. Note a bit of reddish tone within the dark umbra. 2:08 AM EDTI sat on a pad over the paved surface where in the cold, where the observatory is to eventually stand. The old telescope mount ticking away as it tracked the moon across the sky. Occasionally geese and ducks on the nearby pond called out against some unseen disturbance. The stars of Great Orion were sinking behind nearby trees.
Moon is deep within the umbra and last penumbra light about to be left behind. 2:19 AM EDTIn the otherwise quiet chill, I watched the lunar transition, from a bright sliver left over from the night’s Full Moon, to glowing copper orb. With a cable release I manually triggered the camera’s shutter: click — pause — click, to record the event.
Maximum eclipse. Moon is fully within the umbra but because it is not traveling through the center of Earth’s deepest shadow, scattered light from the penumbra brightens the upper limb. 2:58 AM EDTShortly after maximum eclipse (shown above), at 2:58 AM EDT, I shut down the telescope and, casting a wistful eye at the still-darkened Moon, went indoors. I fed the waiting cat, changed back to pajamas, and returned to bed. In fitful sleep, somehow still cold, happy to have sacrificed rest for the experienced phenomenon.
Tech: Askar 103 ED telescope, Canon EOS 5D Mk 4 camera, Meade Goto Mount, Photoshop. ISO 400, variable exposure times.
#2025 #astronomy #astrophotography #eclipse #moon #photography #totallunareclipse