Hello #fedi !
a man stuck in the year 198X, i love gaming of all types, especially video, retro, #ttrpg .
am also passionate about #Europe, #EU and resisting #technofascism
see you on the grid!
Hello #fedi !
a man stuck in the year 198X, i love gaming of all types, especially video, retro, #ttrpg .
am also passionate about #Europe, #EU and resisting #technofascism
see you on the grid!
Amazing: of all the books in all the world Mr Free Speech Zuckerberg wants to ban, it’s the one about him
#BookBanning #TechnoFascism #books #publishing
Meta is trying to block ex-employee’s book alleging misconduct and harassment #books #publishing #censorship #TechnoFascism
Tech bros are living, breathing embodiments of the false authority fallacy; claiming that their professed understanding of basic logic qualifies them to reason expertly upon every conceivable topic while conveniently ignoring a fundamental maxim of their purported core area of expertise: garbage in, garbage out.
Happy 10th anniversary to Spyware 2.0 – the video we released at the launch of Ind.ie (what is now Small Technology Foundation¹).
Have we learned any lessons in those ten years, I wonder.
#spyware #SiliconValley #BigTech #technology #fascism #technoFascism #peopleFarming #surveillance #capitalism #surveillanceCapitalism
We’re not going to get out of this simply by voting with our wallets, but still, we might at least try and hurt the fuckers in the only place they feel any pain…
(And don’t get me started on “European Values”. No, we don’t get a gold star while letting refugees drown off our coasts and being complicit in the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people. We’re just not fully fascist yet and might just avoid it… maybe. It’s a pretty fucking low bar.)
The Camera Panopticon
How did we end up in technofascism? Watch this talk I gave over a decade ago warning of the dangers of Silicon Valley and Big Tech and urging us to embrace alternatives.
(Transcript available in English, Español, and Nederlands, thanks to the community.)
Peter Thiel and his slave boys Alex Karp and Mike Solana are by far the most depraved and dangerous genocidal Zionist scum alive, and I will now devote a significant amount of my time to exposing the vast propaganda network they run to shape everything in their sadistic image
I wrote this five years ago:
“Democracy or capitalism? Pick one.
If, like me, you grew up in the 80s, you probably unthinkingly accepted the neoliberal maxim that democracy and capitalism go hand-in-hand. This is one of the greatest lies ever told. Democracy and capitalism are polar opposites.
You cannot have a functional democracy and billionaires and trillion-dollar corporate interests and Silicon Valley’s Big Tech misinformation and exploitation machinery. What we’re seeing is the clash of capitalism and democracy and capitalism is winning.
Are we past a tipping point? I don’t know. Perhaps. But we can’t think like that.
Personally, I’m going to keep working to effect change where I feel I can be effective: in creating alternative technological infrastructure to support individual freedoms and democracy.
We’ve already laid the infrastructure of techno-fascism. We’ve already created (and are creating) the panopticons. All the fascists need to do is move in and take the controls. And they will do so democratically, before destroying democracy, just as Hitler did.
And if you think the 1930s and 40s were something, remember that the most advanced tools to amplify the destructive ideologies of the time were less powerful than the computers you have in your pockets today. Today we have machine learning and are on the brink of unlocking quantum computing.
We must ensure the 2030s are not like the 1930s. Because our advanced centralised systems of data capture, classification, and prediction plus a hundred years of exponential increase in processing power (note: I do not use the word “progress”) mean the 2030s will be exponentially worse.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, we have a common enemy: the nationalist international. The problems of our time transcend national borders. The solutions must also. The systems we build must be both local and global at once. The network we must build is one of solidarity.
We created the present. We will create the future. Let’s work together to ensure that that future is the one we want to live in ourselves.”
– In 2020 and beyond, the battle to save personhood and democracy requires a radical overhaul of mainstream technology
And that’s why I’m working on building the Small Web.
With ZERO funding from the EU and multiple rejections from NLNet/ngi (because they still don’t get it).
(That’s from 2022. We were also rejected in 2024 for my work on Kitten, Domain, and Place as outlined in my talk, linked below, but I was too tired to write about it again.)
So for fuck’s sake, if you agree with my vision for a technological (and thus societal) future different from the hellscape we currently inhabit, and want to help us explore one possible path towards it, please fund our damn work. (Because, clearly, the EU is adamant about not doing so.)
Other ways to help:
- If you know of folks that are ethically compatible who offer no strings funding, please try to secure some for us (my time is 100% spent on coding at the moment).
- If you know of conferences that pay their speakers, ask them to have me speak on the Small Web. It can be as technical or non-technical as you like and I won’t do it for free but I’m happy to accept, within reason, what they can afford (in addition to travel and accommodation being covered) and any fees received go to Small Technology Foundation, our not-for-profit.
- Help share this far and wide.
Once Domain is released and we have the first Small Web host running on small-web.org – hopefully the first of many that will be run by other folks in the future – and we start taking commercial sign-ups for Small Web places, we should eventually have the money problem solved (because apparently that’s a problem you have to solve to gain the privilege of working for the common good in our world because our system is unabashedly shortsighted).
So, yeah, anyway, g’morning! How’s your day going so far? :)
(You made it this far? You deserve a hug. And don’t worry, I’m just venting. Things will get better. It’s just frustrating swimming upstream all the time.)
I didn’t call this talk technofascism but I could have. Maybe “surveillance capitalism” just wasn’t scary enough a term?
why? They are exposing #darkmaga and the toxic #techbros and TechnoFeudalism. Shit is real.
(I’ll add to the list shortly.)
‘Headed for technofascism’: the rightwing roots of Silicon Valley: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/ng-interactive/2025/jan/29/silicon-valley-rightwing-technofascism
The industry’s liberal reputation is misleading. Its reactionary tendencies – celebrating wealth, power and traditional masculinity – have been clear since the dotcom mania of the 1990s
Lungo e interessante articolo di Becca Lewis, ricercatrice alla Stanford University, comparso mercoledì scorso sulla home page del #Guardian e subito scomparso nel meandri del sito #SiliconValley #BigTech #Technofascism #destre #USA
@informapirata @Puntopanto @mcp
“Over the past decade, we have watched #socialmedia platforms warp public opinion by deciding what is seen and when users see it, as #algorithms double as newsfeed and timeline editors. When tech CEOs encode their political beliefs into the design of platforms, it’s a form of #technofascism, where technology is used for political suppression of speech and to repress the organization of resistance to the state or #capitalism.”
Whatever bad things happen to these people will be self defence.
@staidwinnow @KydiaMusic @RickiTarr The Dollop did a very enlightening two-parter on Elon. If you think he’s in any way not a fascist/white supremacist, I suggest you take a listen. Technically, you might be able to call him a technofascist.
He never thought of any ideas himself.
> you reject all AWS servers? Do you do the same for GCP, Azure and Oracle Cloud?
Heck. Yes.
…and CloudGlare.
See (glorious) firewall/notifier setup:
> that does leave out a significant part of the Internet. How do you even figure out whether sites you're using run on AWS?
Try loading site in Firefox, or simply the command line:
wget https://example.site
If a block notification pops up, you've rejected #technoFascism at home (or whereever).