is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Mastodon instance focused on the Triangle region of North Carolina. Keeping out jerks since 2019. Anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-TERF.

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active users

monkϵyborg 🦾🐵

What if we took a break from making tech that does new things to go back and make all the tech weʼve already made actually work consistently

@monkeyborg I can't invoice the client for that, so no.

@monkeyborg work consistently and just work better. Most of the stuff out today is so unbelievably inefficient.

Kind of refine what we have and make it wildly efficient, sort of like planes or trains. I'd be a huge fan of that!

Just considering, most tech is likely in a position to see 2-100x improvements in CPU/Mem/Drive and related assets used, and thus likely a significant power usage decrease too!

...but anyway, I digress. 😁

@monkeyborg Yes! Sounds like a good spin on the Nintendo philosophy of exploiting Withered Technology