"The radicalism not only has not transpired, but something else, something cold and stomach-sinking, has emerged: a government clear in its intent on making savings by targeting the most vulnerable in society – the sick, disabled people, mentally ill people. This isn’t simply a locking in of the austerity state #Labour inherited, but an extension of it."
There's still time to put pressure on the UK government.
The UK Secretary of State has the power to exempt small, safely moderated websites from the Online Safety duties.
We need urgent change to protect net plurality, rather than further consolidating power in monopoly platforms. We need competition for a safer Internet.
Write to your MP (UK) #SaveOurSites
The UK Online Safety Act comes into effect today.
Its onerous duties may cause many small sites, blogs and fedi instances to shut down or geoblock UK users when faced with potential fines and penalties.
This won't keep children safe. It'll benefit large platforms like Facebook and X that are laying waste to content moderation.
"I have no sympathy with the idea that the way to get people out of #welfare is to cut the money they have to live on."
A match made in hell. Dominic Cummings, who caused so much trouble resulting in #Brexit taking up an association with Nigel Farage. Running a Limited Company, masquerading as a political party should be a cause for major concern for everyone, including all the other political parties. Why some kind of restriction on this has not been brought in already is difficult to understand.
#UKPol #ReformUK #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern
Labour Party targeting people with mental health issues for more cuts, just evil.
Nothing less of a military draft, dragging the most vulnerable to indenture service knowing they're the most likely to be exploited without much protections.
The UK Online Safety Act burdens small sites with duties and penalties that they can't shoulder. They'll shut down instead, stripping us of net plurality.
There’s a simple solution:
Exempt small, safely run blogs, forums and fedi instances
The government can do this now
The duties start TOMORROW – Write to your MP
Received a leaflet for Reform and it was full of infuriating but vague shite as you might expect, but notably it also had photos of both Keir Starmer and Kemi Badenoch on it.
It just made me think that if Badenoch, the youngish DeSantisite culture warrior troll, was really going to be the Tories’ magic bullet against Reform, they wouldn’t be using her face on Reform election literature. #UKPol
Will you join over 1.9k people who’ve signed our petition to keep what’s stored on Apple iCloud encrypted?
The UK government is gambling with our security and playing into the hands of hackers and criminals.
Send a message: save encryption before more services are hit with technical notices.
Sign and share now
When you have the press and civil society camped outside the courtroom, the secret might be out
Even so, we’re still denied the reasons why the UK government wants to take a battering ram to our security and privacy.
It shows contempt for the public interest in the Apple encryption case.
Saddling small sites with the same duties as huge platforms means many will shut down in a hammer blow to net plurality.
We'll be left with the Sophie’s choice of monopoly services; the incubators of online harms.
URGENT: The UK government must change the Online Safety Act to protect safe, non-commercial blogs, forums and fediverse.
Write to your MP to #SaveOurSites
"Rayner raised #Labour MPs’ worries about the depth of the cuts to the #benefits system — which include radical reforms that the former Conservative government blanched at during the “#austerity” period a decade ago.
"Google refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK government"
The UK’s encryption-breaking order for a backdoor into iCloud isn’t a one-off.
The secret hearing happening RIGHT NOW is bigger than just Apple. If the government wins, our right to privacy and security falls.
Other services will be hit.
Sign our petition https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/keep-our-apple-data-encrypted