Does Rachel from accounts not know any other way of raising money?
How about reducing the private pension relief for 40% tax payers to 20%?
This will recoup around £36b.
No need to hit the poor and disabled.
#ukpolitics #rachelreeves #uklabour
Does Rachel from accounts not know any other way of raising money?
How about reducing the private pension relief for 40% tax payers to 20%?
This will recoup around £36b.
No need to hit the poor and disabled.
#ukpolitics #rachelreeves #uklabour
I know I post a lot of photos of clouds but honestly, I think we should all spend more time looking to the skies. They speak a rare and valuable truth to us all.
*nods wisely*
This year's English local elections will be the smallest since 1975, following postponements in nine areas.
1,657 councillors are due to be elected across 23 councils. Six mayors will also be elected.
Potential candidates have until 2 April to apply to stand. The voter registration deadline is 11 April.
Details in our latest blog:
@Geri Labour MPs need to grow a shiny spine and either vote against or resign from the party. Abstentions mean nothing now. #UKPolitics #Labour #Disability
Changes to PIP will not get people into work. It will do the opposite. The whole point of PIP is to help those who can't do certain tasks be able to do them. If you make it more difficult to do basic day to day tasks, there's a lower likelihood you will be able to work. It's not rocket science.
Starmer's insistence that there is a "moral case" seems to be a classic case of trying to repeat something to make it true.
There's still time to put pressure on the UK government.
The UK Secretary of State has the power to exempt small, safely moderated websites from the Online Safety duties.
We need urgent change to protect net plurality, rather than further consolidating power in monopoly platforms. We need competition for a safer Internet.
Write to your MP (UK) #SaveOurSites
The UK Online Safety Act comes into effect today.
Its onerous duties may cause many small sites, blogs and fedi instances to shut down or geoblock UK users when faced with potential fines and penalties.
This won't keep children safe. It'll benefit large platforms like Facebook and X that are laying waste to content moderation.
"..what is the point of the Labour party?
Well, the point, it seems, is to be as not-Labour as possible, and that purpose was fashioned in a battle against those on the left of the party, rather than its desire to be the canny custodian of leftwing politics once in power. It is as simple as that"
Nesrine Malik spot on, once again. We on the left warned everyone... the surprise of absolutely nobody. #politics #UKPolitics #ReformUK #Farage #HardRight
Reform UK candidate who praised Hitler and Assad put in charge of vetting
The UK Online Safety Act burdens small sites with duties and penalties that they can't shoulder. They'll shut down instead, stripping us of net plurality.
There’s a simple solution:
Exempt small, safely run blogs, forums and fedi instances
The government can do this now
The duties start TOMORROW – Write to your MP
Krasnov is the American Liz Truss.
Will *he* last longer than a head of lettuce? The answer, unfortunately, is almost certainly yes. Because as stupid as the Westminster system (as used in both Canada and the UK) is, their system is somehow even worse.
Wes Streeting is all over the media pushing his health 'reforms' this weekend.
A reminder..
"Good Law Project research shows that more than 60% of the money invested in the new health secretary since he entered parliament in 2015 has come from companies and individuals with links to private health"
#WesStreeting #UKPolitics #PrivateHealthcare #Healthcare #NHS
How private health has invested in Wes Streeting | Good Law Project
#UKPolitics but may be applicable to #USpolitics too.
The reason populist parties seem to go to extremes and then implode so quickly, and also something #UKLabour is having a problem with, is that by trying to appeal to the #WorkingClass they are appealing to people who expect things to GET DONE and quickly. The ordinary working person who is not into #politics has no patience for middle class wafting about "the art of the possible". They just need help, now. If you promise but don't deliver.
Will you join over 1.9k people who’ve signed our petition to keep what’s stored on Apple iCloud encrypted?
The UK government is gambling with our security and playing into the hands of hackers and criminals.
Send a message: save encryption before more services are hit with technical notices.
Sign and share now
When you have the press and civil society camped outside the courtroom, the secret might be out
Even so, we’re still denied the reasons why the UK government wants to take a battering ram to our security and privacy.
It shows contempt for the public interest in the Apple encryption case.
Saddling small sites with the same duties as huge platforms means many will shut down in a hammer blow to net plurality.
We'll be left with the Sophie’s choice of monopoly services; the incubators of online harms.
URGENT: The UK government must change the Online Safety Act to protect safe, non-commercial blogs, forums and fediverse.
Write to your MP to #SaveOurSites
My friend made this petition to ask the govt to make private flyers pay for their Carbon emissions, please do sign
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #FlightFree #UkPolitics