Any thoughts on the least-worst home improvement store in the US, in terms of supporting democracy vs fascism?
I have a major renovation going on and only so many tools and materials are available from local independent suppliers.
Any thoughts on the least-worst home improvement store in the US, in terms of supporting democracy vs fascism?
I have a major renovation going on and only so many tools and materials are available from local independent suppliers.
I found this list while looking for Australian brands. Not all of these are Australian owned but this is a good place to start #boycott #buyAustralian
#boycott Companies that donated to Trump. Note how some donated after the election "for the inauguration."
PSA: if you need to replace a broken clothes washer or dryer, the trick is not to buy a new one. I’ve heard this many times and it’s been true in my experience.
Instead find a Maytag or Whirlpool that’s at least 30 years old. They were built to be repaired, still can be, and rarely break down in any case. Anything newer is progressively crappier, even if they look fancy on the outside. Unrepairable, they’re designed to force you to buy new appliances frequently.
Audible alternatives...
Libby, Hoopla,
more info on Libro:
"We are an alternative to Amazon-owned Audible With us, you select the independent bookshop you want to support (we have 3,000+ partners across the globe), and we share profits from your purchase with them.
We're also employee-owned and a registered Social Purpose Corporation."
I ordered Captain D's tonight to be delivered. I got a text from the driver saying they were cancelling the order because the restaurant had bad customer service. No other message. And my money is now gone and no food to show for it. I am pissed. It is time to boycott restaurants who refuse to give their customers what they paid for. Target has learned that boycotts work. Maybe it is time for Captain D's to learn the same lesson.
Update: I called the local restaurant in North Augusta, SC and the manager there could not use a phone. It kept breaking up. And she was extremely hateful. I am done. BOYCOTT Captain D's during lent!
Further Update: The district manager just called me and was hateful and rude. Captain D's needs to be taught a lesson in customer service. I am done. Boycott Captain D's starting Monday thru the end of April!
Boycott the Snow White movie.
Instead of hiring little people live actors, they CGI-ed all the dwarves, and took the name "and the Seven Dwarves" out of the movie title.
Boycott the Snow White movie.
#Boycott #SnowWhite
In case you are a Steak'n'Shake Fan and *not* MAGA, you may want to rethink your favorite food chain.
(paywall... also it's more "pro-Nazi" than "pro-MAGA") #boycott
If you've been boycotting Amazon and Target, with Walgreens and Walmart coming up, a great alternative I've found for a huge array of household products, baby things, vitamins, supplements, personal care, pet supplies, etc etc etc is iherb. Very fast shipping. Minimal packaging. Lots of sales
Ik dronk al geen cola, maar heb nu eerst maar eens de New York Times en Netflix opgezegd. Afkomen van de techreuzen wordt een zaak van de lange adem. #Boycott Ik ga er maar vanuit dat alle kleine beetjes helpen en ik zet het er ook bij als reden voor mijn afzegging. Op zoek naar een alternatief voor #GoogleScholar en #pubmed kwam ik hierop uit: Iemand ervaring mee? Ik doe vooral veel wetenschappelijke searches in de biologie en biomedische hoek, maar ook klimaat. #FCKTRMP
"There seems to be a quietness or denial about what’s going on. I feel utter anger. I cannot go on with this feeling inside. I cannot just go and play a tour of beautiful concerts.”
Classical violinist Christian Tetzlaff describing his horror at the authoritarian polices of Donald Trump and the response of US elites to the country’s growing democratic crisis.
‘I feel utter anger’: From Canada to Europe, a movement to #boycott US goods is spreading
A growing international move to boycott the US is spreading from Scandinavia to Canada to the UK and beyond as consumers turn against US goods.
Most prominent so far has been the rejection by European car buyers of the Teslas produced by Musk. About 15% of Tesla's share value was wiped out on Monday alone.
How's everyone doing one week into the #Target #boycott? From my household to yours, some ideas if you're looking to boycott beyond Lent/permanently:
1. I looked at my account to do some analysis of last year's purchases. Now I know how to divest 95%+ of my past Target purchases going forward :)
2. Theirs is the most useless rewards program so it will be trivial to kill my account and take better shopping privacy measures. Boycotts can also encompass user data :)
"#Boycott and resist institutions/companies that have continually aligned with the interests of #Trump:
- Get off #Twitter/X and find different EV cars. If you want an electric car, buy something else. Elon #Musk is wreaking havoc.
- Don’t buy from #Amazon and unsubscribe from The #WashingtonPost. #JeffBezos owns both The Washington Post and much of Amazon. He dictates WAPO editorial content in favor of the oligarchy and funds Trump interests.
- Boycott #AirBnB! #JoeGebbia, co-founder of Air B&B, has joined #DOGE.
- Unsubscribe from the #LATimes! #PatrickSoon-Shiong owns the LA Times, and dictates editorial decisions that support the slide to fascism.
Evil Marketing genius: Not one of my elders I’m in touch with is able to differentiate between SMS messages and WhatsApp chats. I am trying to boycott WhatsApp. They agree to use SMS. Guess how they send me messages.
#21stCenturyProblems. #BoycottMeta #Boycott
OK Australia, our turn to boycott US goods (if you haven't already done so!) - we're getting the "Tariffs for Frenz" treatment too. Get onto it people! #Boycott
“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirmed Australia would not retaliate with tariffs of its own, but said the US president's tariffs were an act of "economic self-harm".
That is the right call. Tariffs on US goods would only hurt Australians, the #Australian #economy and make the #CostOfLiving worse (#Economics101 everyone!).
What would be effective retaliation is for a consumer #boycott of all US products. Just don’t buy any of their shit folks! Starting with Govt purchases (I.e. cancel #AUKUS )
Another great retaliatory trade tactic is the imposition of #Quotas on all US goods and services.
Just saying the obvious here.
In case anyone was wondering if boycotts are effective, today's Tesla ad on the White House lawn confirmed that indeed they are. Seems like things are getting a bit desperate.