Hey #labor supporters, take a moment to support this candidacy for #REI board. She is #prounion and wants to push REI to accept the #union
Hey #labor supporters, take a moment to support this candidacy for #REI board. She is #prounion and wants to push REI to accept the #union
Yeah, blame the customer for not understanding the menu or app. It couldn't be the union busting or Schultz.
My friend's shirt.
This post by @jdst258 was the straw that broke the camel's back. I'm finally going to start a #Capitalism #NeoLiberalism #ProUnion #ClassWar thread on my "normie" discussion forum.
This is in addition to the #Christofascism thread that's been going for years & the thread to track police & prison misconduct.
What should the focus be? What about the first post? I try to maintain a balance of solid information/links & memes/graphics to grab attention & drive a point home.
What are your best #Anarchism or #AntiCapitalism links and/or memes?
I'm very #ProUnion & would love to get rid of #Captalism but until then, employee-owned cooperatives should be encouraged as much as possible.
I am lucky/privileged enough to work for one now. Beats the hell out of the 10 years I spent at another lab owned by a greedy narcissist.
good morning, enjoy a crime cat.
#TheCrimeCats say don't forget your heroes only profit from your slavery. wonder why any of those artists were ever using a non-union print shop in the first place? because they want to make money. and the only way to make money under capitalism is to have it already or to get it off someone else being exploited.
You've heard of a concept album, but what about a "proof of concept" album?
What if that concept was to use the #Fediverse & collaborate with multiple artists on an #Antifascist #audiocollage
It might sound like this.
This Cassette Kills Fascists, a PoC album by #ArtFED
@GreenFire two weeks ago I saw the VP motorcade in Las Vegas. Kamala Harris was there to have lunch with unions to celebrate them signing new deals with companies. This present administration is surely #ProUnion #VoteBlue.
* Corrected a typo regarding the name of the city.
Which version do you like?
Paul Robeson & John Brown's Union Chorus
"What are we going to do about it, to right this dreadful wrong?
We're all gonna join a union, for the union makes us strong."
Listen to "I Hate TheCompany Birds" by #ArtFED on #SoundCloud
#ProUnion #AntiCapitalist #Music
Re #Introduction for another new instance. I am an introverted gay Puerto Rican/German-American cis male (he/his). I work as a psychotherapist, and a writer. I live in Chicago with my husband and cat. #Writer #Novelist #Author #Screenwriter #TVWriter #Comedy #Humor #Mystery #MurderMystery #Theater #Psychotherapy #Psychology #Gay #LGBTQ #MentalHealth #HighlySensitive #HSP #INFJ #ProUnion #LaborUnions #PuertoRico #BLM #Atheist #GayNerd #GayGeek #Gaymer #StarTrek #Superman #TeenTitans #Chicago
Hell yeah, I'm loving this season of Real World: Labor Unions #uawstrike #SAGAFTRAStrong #wgaproud #labor #prounion
I posted the Billy Bragg song answer to Oliver Anthony recently, but this quote is too good not to pass along.
"Since I saw that clip of Oliver Anthony singing "Rich Men North of Richmond" the ghost of Woody Guthrie has been whispering in my ear.
"Help that guy out" Woody keeps telling me.
"Let him know there's a way to deal with those problems he's singing about."
Today I sat down & wrote this response to Mr Anthony's song, for people like him & people like you."
"Their record profits are your lack..."
"Weeeee gonna FIGHT like HELL!!!"
#ProUnion #Unionize #FuckFascists
I know what I'm listening to today!