Chaotic Commodore 16 Repair
Chaotic Commodore 16 Repair
New video! Trying to fix a really badly broken Commodore 16, taking numerous wrong turns along the way.
Hätte wer ne Idee wie man rausfinden kann, ob sich da noch was machen lässt?
Our dryer stopped working. After some investigation I discovered our motor pulley exploded. The motor pulley (not idler pulley) is screwed onto the shaft of the motor and makes the belt turn. It kind of looks like a oddly shaped bobbin with screw threads. A replacement part is only $8! Hopefully it will work.
if my 18yo dryer has had every part of it replaced, is it still my dryer?
I've been trying to teach my kids that anything worth buying is worth trying to #repair.
My son's Nerf gun quit working, so we took it apart. As expected, all the pieces exploded out, so it took a lot of work to understand how they go back together. This model is known for the latch mechanism breaking. Once I understood where the problem was, some PVC glue and a relocated screw, and it's working again!
#repairability How fried am I? Seized bottom bracket, splines exploded. #Bicycling #Bike #BikeRepair #Biking #Cycling #Repair
Volunteered at our local repair cafe today. I fixed an RC car and an amplifer, and helped diagnose an LED christmas tree.
Couldn't take pictures of the whole space, but here's my little workstation with my tools. There were 8 volunteers and about twice as many visitors, so it wasn't too stressful.
I definitely plan to volunteer again, once the organizer gets the next date picked out!
Einen defekten Gegenstand zu Hause, der eigentlich noch zu Gut zum Wegwerfen ist? Ein Reparaturcafé ist eine gute Anlaufstelle um unabhängig Expertise zu euren defekten Geräten zu bekommen.
Heute und die nächsten Tage in vielen Städten und Gemeinden, unter anderem in: #Renningen #Bremen #Straubing #Karlsruhe #Hamm #Neckarsulm #Oldenburg #Heidenheim #Esslingen #Erlangen #Ravensburg #Köln #Berlin #Roth
Termine und Infos:
@trouble @ascentale @mossyfoot @bikenite I was asked what kind of battery. It's this one!
It's kind of a rare model but it is out there!
You'll need/want to take off the battery's included regulator circuit board; the MonkeyLight canister has its own. But that's easy, it's easy de-soldering.
Here’s the popped capacitor, now replaced with the new one and the sewing machine is running again. Did a bonus extra repair today too as the washing machine stopped draining (jammed pump). And while looking for the superglue I found this very relevant patch in the kitchen junk drawer. Very successful day of assessment avoidance.
Have Li-ion Batteries Gone Too Far? - The proliferation of affordable lithium batteries has made modern life convenient ... - #lithiumbattery #europeanunion #righttorepair #batteryhacks #batteries #design #li-ion #repair #reuse
Hopefully this little doodad (capacitor) is going to get my sewing machine back to life.
Here we go, the first production version of the Who Dunnit's 3D printed reel. In the end, 7 different prototypes were made, zeroing in on the shape and then the transparent material. Naturally also learned about designing stuff with FreeCAD while doing it.
Seen in this video is the 2 part model, where the hub and wheel part are printed separately so no support is needed. Before this I also quickly tried on the one piece version but didn't put decal on it.
In the end I reused the old decal as it came off in good shape and it seems to stay on the reel just fine.
All in all, this was a fun project that taught me a lot. Next I'll probably go back to tackling the modified Road Show project when I have the extra time.
The Who Dunnit #pinball machine slot machine reel project appears to be a success. This part seems to be difficult to find around here and even when repros are available in the US, these cost over $100 to import here, which I find a bit steep for a plastic piece this simple, so I made my own.
I'll release a video soon about the whole project and how the finished product looks installed in the game.
The model is now available here for #3dprinting:
Well electric cars, hell, cars in general these days come with proprietary software that totally screws over the buyer's ability to fix their own damn car. It's bullshit, plain and simple.
Right to repair isn't just some fancy slogan, it's a fucking right. Period. I'm all in on open source software and the freedom to dig into the code, learn from it, and yeah, fix it if I need to. That's how it should be, not this locked-down crap they're pushing on us.
Sadly, this is the world most people are forced into with big tech companies owning and operating most of the software we and many companies use today.
I would recommend anyone reading this to give #Linux a try if you haven't already used it. It's open-source, customizable, and gives you the freedom to really make your system your own.
In short: I love the right to repair my own tech!
Went out to run an errand and had to come back to the house via an entirely different street and direction because the sidewalk I used to leave my house was closed behind me as I departed.
It would appear from the digging up extending onto the property next door that the house just west of us is having a individual sewer leak issue.
The vibrational phase has begun, and there's something out there that causes a really deep shake that comes up through the entire house and feels more like an earthquake starting than I would prefer.
Hey Pittsburgh! Do you have a broken or torn thing you've been meaning to repair, but maybe you don't have the right tools or supplies or expertise? There's a Repair Cafe coming up on April 5! I'll be there and can help you mend textiles but other people will be there to help with electronics, small appliances, and more!
It's best if you pre-register so the event staff can make sure we have enough volunteers with the right skills. Link at the event page: