1/2 Feeling outraged by the baby #wombat grabbing #influencer while consuming animal products seems weird, if not hypocritical. This is what modern #animalagriculture in #Australia looks like:

1/2 Feeling outraged by the baby #wombat grabbing #influencer while consuming animal products seems weird, if not hypocritical. This is what modern #animalagriculture in #Australia looks like:
Chicken manure can be classified as industrial waste, judge rules
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/mar/11/chicken-manure-can-be-classified-as-industrial-waste-judge-rules? #AnimalAgriculture #RiverWye #WaterPollution
“Your chicken is killing our rivers”: British icons take on Nando’s over supply chain
A group of high-profile figures—including celebrities, musicians, comedians, and campaigners such as Paul Whitehouse, Jo Brand, Joanna Lumley, Chris Packham, Liz Bonnin, George Monbiot, Johnny Flynn, Dominic West, Jim Murray, and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall—have united to pressure Nando’s to take responsibility for its environmental impact. They are calling on the restaurant giant to clean up its supply chain and tackle its contribution to severe river pollution.
(2020) INVISIBLE’ follows two undercover investigators, ‘Emily’ & ‘Sarah’, on a pig farm investigation in Europe, offering the viewer an unprecedented glimpse into a world that is deliberately and painstakingly covert. https://weanimalsmedia.org/project/invisible/
Bird flu strain that just jumped to cows infects dairy worker in Nevada https://arstechnica.com/health/2025/02/h5n1-bird-flu-nevada-dairy-worker-infected-with-newly-spilled-over-strain/
First Human Case Of Bird Flu Confirmed In Nevada As New Strain Circulates https://plantbasednews.org/lifestyle/health-and-fitness/human-case-bird-flu-nevada/
Petition: End the use of cages and crates for all farmed animals
We think the UK Government must ban all cages for laying hens as soon as possible.
We think it should also ban the use of all cage and crates for all farmed animals including:
• farrowing crates for sows
• individual calf pens
• cages for other birds, including partridges, pheasants and quail
Human case of avian flu detected in England as virus spreads among birds https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/jan/27/human-case-h5n1-avian-bird-flu-england-virus-health-security-aoe
How Denmark is trying to avoid the culture wars nonsense that has hampered other countries' attempts to promote a more sustainable #PlantBased diet
Air pollution inequities linked to industrial swine facilities are detectable from space https://phys.org/news/2025-01-air-pollution-inequities-linked-industrial.html
Air pollution inequities linked to industrial swine facilities are detectable from space https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2025/01/250128124315.htm
What The Label DOESN'T Tell You About YOUR FOOD
Shockingly, there is no legal requirement to show how animals were raised. Almost all meat bought in supermarkets in the UK is factory farmed with the animals kept in appalling conditions.
Without compulsory method of production labelling, the packaging of factory farmed meat and dairy products will continue to mislead shoppers, undermining consumer choice and preventing higher-welfare farmers from differentiating their products.
Act now for honest labelling: https://www.ciwf.org.uk/honest-labelling
"If the pet food industry were a country, it would rank as the world’s 60th biggest emitter of carbon dioxide... This year, the UK became the only country in Europe to approve the use of #LabGrownMeat in pet food."
Top tips for #Veganuary: get the #ForkRanger app or follow them on social media https://www.forkranger.com/. Their recipes are specifically designed for people who want to reduce their consumption of animal products without having to learn a lot of new cooking techniques, and they also have lots of informative infographics on the environmental impact of #AnimalAgriculture
@f4grx @ZS @ExtinctionR dairy milk is also not safe to drink directly in an industrial context and requires pasteurisation first. Dairy has a significantly higher environmental impact than any plant milk in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, land and water use https://ourworldindata.org/environmental-impact-milks. As is illustrated in my previous toot, the vast majority of soy is grown for animal not human food.
@ZS @ExtinctionR three quarters of soy grown globally is used for animal feed rather than human food. It would be far more efficient if we ate the soy directly rather than feeding it to animals then eating them https://ourworldindata.org/drivers-of-deforestation#more-than-three-quarters-of-global-soy-is-fed-to-animals
All the hysteria about #bovaer is particularly ridiculous given that cattle feed in the UK can already legally be 0.15% plastic https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/15/legal-plastic-content-in-animal-feed-could-harm-human-health-experts-warn and dairy cattle are being fed all sorts of antibiotics for mastitis. It's so bizarre that everyone's up in arms about something actually well tested just because it's new, but seem to assume what cattle were eating already must be harmless.
Raw milk recalled for containing bird flu virus, California reports #AnimalRights #AnimalAgriculture #milk #dairy #birdflu #California https://arstechnica.com/health/2024/11/raw-milk-recalled-for-containing-bird-flu-virus-california-reports/
Friends of The Earth: Our new video shows how #soybeans grown in South America feed #livestock in Northern Ireland. And in turn, how their #waste feeds the toxic algae that have a chokehold on Lough Neagh. Watch and share – let's raise the alarm
Hundreds of lobbyists for industrial farming attend Cop29 climate summit #AnimalRights #AnimalAgriculture #agriculture #environment #COP29 #lobby https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/19/hundreds-of-lobbyists-for-industrial-farming-attend-cop29-climate-summit
Misleading Labels and the Reality of Factory Farming in the U.S. #AnimalRights #AnimalAgriculture #UnitedStates #USA #US https://www.onegreenplanet.org/animals/misleading-labels-and-the-reality-of-factory-farming-in-the-u-s/
Report: EU Livestock Farming Has “Major Negative Consequences”, Consumption Patterns Must Change #AnimalRights #AnimalAgriculture #EU #GoVegan https://vegconomist.com/sustainability-environment/report-eu-livestock-farming-major-negative-consequences/