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“Your chicken is killing our rivers”: British icons take on Nando’s over supply chain

A group of high-profile figures—including celebrities, musicians, comedians, and campaigners such as Paul Whitehouse, Jo Brand, Joanna Lumley, Chris Packham, Liz Bonnin, George Monbiot, Johnny Flynn, Dominic West, Jim Murray, and Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall—have united to pressure Nando’s to take responsibility for its environmental impact. They are calling on the restaurant giant to clean up its supply chain and tackle its contribution to severe river pollution.

River Action UK · “Your chicken is killing our rivers”: British icons take on Nando’s over supply chain - River Action UKA group of high-profile figures — including celebrities, musicians, comedians, and campaigners — have united to pressure Nando’s to take responsibility for its environmental impact. They are calling on the restaurant giant to clean up its supply chain and tackle its contribution to severe river pollution.

What The Label DOESN'T Tell You About YOUR FOOD

Shockingly, there is no legal requirement to show how animals were raised. Almost all meat bought in supermarkets in the UK is factory farmed with the animals kept in appalling conditions.

Without compulsory method of production labelling, the packaging of factory farmed meat and dairy products will continue to mislead shoppers, undermining consumer choice and preventing higher-welfare farmers from differentiating their products.

Act now for honest labelling: LabellingWe are campaigning for honest food labelling.

Factory Farms Cost UK Taxpayers Over 1.2 Billion Pounds Per Year, Says New Report

The report estimates that 85 percent of #FarmingSubsidies for chicken and pig farmers are absorbed by #FactoryFarms, which is around £269 million per year.

#FactoryFarming is linked to extensive environmental #pollution and related #PublicHealth issues. The report estimates the cost of #water and #air pollution from factory farms to be £518 million, while the cost of increased respiratory deaths is around £92 million.

Plant Based News · Factory Farms Cost UK Taxpayers Over 1.2 Billion Pounds Per Year, Says New ReportA report by the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) finds that factory farming costs UK taxpayers over GBP £1.2 billion per year

I am an Octopus (Narrated by Peter Egan)

I am an octopus trapped in a tiny tank,
Crowded prison cells, which they call farms.
It’s dark, dirty and deadly,
I can’t stretch my eight arms.

I am an octopus trapped in a tiny tank.
No solitude or peace, I weep and shake,
So a greedy two-armed man can take cash to the bank.
I don’t yet know how to get out and dream of escape…

I am an octopus who is free to roam the salty seas.
With eight arms I jet along the ocean floor.
I crawl, I climb and through rocks I squeeze,
To forage for food and explore.

When I feel sleepy or want to hide away,
I build a den using shells from scallops and clams.
When I see a shark, I fear I’ll become prey,
So my skin goes lumpy, bumpy, and changes color.

My home, the ocean, is dying.
Men steal fishes from the sea to feed us.
They say breeding us will save the planet, but they are lying.
The octopus farms cause me and the ocean so much harm.

The two-armed man artificially impregnates the females.
Then he prods and stabs us to find out how best to kill us.
Big business is trying to play God,
But Mother Nature strikes back with climate chaos.

I am an octopus but I am like you.
On the surface we may look very different -
Your blood is red and mine is blue,
You have one brain and I have nine.

Don’t eat my brainy arms,
They think and feel and are not for you to chew!
Drop your knife and raise your placards,
And shout out ‘NO, to octopus farms!’

Make your one heart big,
Listen to my one, two, three hearts beat.
The free rhythms of this short song called life
Ring-a-ding-ding ring–a-ding-ding, be my octopus defender!

Swimming in the ocean I feel so alive,
Now planet Earth can bustle and thrive.
Dive deep and show compassion,
Link your arms in octopus fashion,

And sign the Plant Based Treaty!

They wander through the ocean and seas,
To undo the damage we have done.
So let’s eat plants and plant trees,
And preach that all life is one,

And that when humans wish to harm other animals, they really do evil to themselves.

Narration by: Peter Egan

Script written by: Nicola Harris, Anita Krajnc

Compassion in World Farming's new undercover investigation, released 4th November, exposes the immense suffering of around 70 million rabbits still caged on farms across Europe and reinforces the urgent need for the European Commission to deliver its promised #CageBan.

Anthony Field, Head of our UK Office, said: “This investigation clearly shows the systemic cruelty of caged farming across Europe. This is not about a couple of bad farms mistreating animals in certain countries, this is representative of caged rabbit farming throughout the EU in the absence of species-specific requirements for the welfare of farmed rabbits in EU law.

“Cages simply cannot meet the physiological and behavioural needs of farmed animals, and their use is unnecessary.."

Compassion in World Farming · Cruelty exposé reinforces crucial need for EU cage banBy Compassion in World Farming

How #FactoryFarming Ends
Fight against #meat industry has been rocky. Can it be won?
In 2024, hardly a secret billions of animals raised for #food are treated abysmally. To name just a few standard industry practices, caged, mutilated without pain relief, and intensively bred to the point that they live in chronic pain and struggle to stand up, before being slaughtered, painfully. Every year, humans kill 80B land animals and larger, poorly tracked number of fish. #vegan

"In Iowa, more than half of the state's rivers are 'impaired,' meaning they're not suitable for at least one of their main purposes, like serving as a habitat for aquatic animals, drinking, or recreation. Animal agriculture is the main culprit, and many rural Americans who depend on wells for drinking water have found them contaminated with factory farm waste."

Vox · 9 charts that show US factory farming is even bigger than you realizeBy Marina Bolotnikova

"Heavy rain has spilled an unknown amount of livestock waste into the environment. Relentless rains this month have caused 17 manure pits at 15 large farms in southwestern Minnesota to overflow, releasing livestock waste into the environment."

Star Tribune · Seventeen manure pits reportedly overflow at large feedlots in southern MinnesotaBy Greg Stanley

This is a great video about industrial agriculture. In 1992, 97% of farmers were independent. Now, 70% of all hogs are raised on factory farms controlled by three companies. "It really was a true corporate takeover. Tyson created a closed, contract controlled system and it destroyed the open and competitive system." Now, big meat monopolies charge customers more, pay farmers less, + make huge profits while destroying communities and the environment. #FactoryFarming #Tyson

176 #ClimateAction #FactoryFarming.

Not only because of the animals suffering ,
although that is actually reason enough ,
financing factory farming should be stopped.

Just like with fossil fuels, financing factory farming immediately finances the destruction of man..
Livestock produces not only CO2 but also the much more harmful methane and nitrogen oxide..
Methane [cow farts] is more than eight times more destructive to the atmosphere than CO2. Not only livestock produces methane, also melting permafrost in eg Siberia and also all leaks in the production and transport of gas and oil products..

In short,. #StopFinancingFactoryFarming

WeMove EuropeStop financing factory farming!The World Bank is pouring billions into factory farming projects - using our tax money to bankroll animal cruelty and environmental destruction. Sign now to get the World Bank to stop funding factory farming.

Today is chicken harvesting day at the disgusting Tyson factory farm down the street. One of the old gas guzzler trucks broke down in front of our house so of course I went out there to take pictures. You can see how filthy and matted the feathers are, and the chicken's bottoms are red and raw from sitting in filth their entire short lives. This is what life is like for all grocery store chickens. #Chickens #FactoryFarming