Six Medieval States That Merged Peacefully #medieval #kingdoms #politics

Six Medieval States That Merged Peacefully #medieval #kingdoms #politics
Archaeoethnologica: War & Technology - Book / Guerra e Tecnologia - Livro
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Archaeoethnologica: War & Technology - Book / Guerra e Tecnologia - Livro
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How Medieval Nobles Learned French #medieval
Saturday- NAGASH ENSEMBLE “With three female vocalists accompanied by players on the #duduk, #oud, #dhol, and piano, this #Armenian group brings together the folk music of their native land, #medieval texts and #polyphony, and new classical music. What results has been described as “the sound of ancient #Armenia reinvented for the 21st century.”” #Berklee Performance Center #Boston #bostonMusic
#BostonWeekend 19/x
I was trying to answer the question: Can my 7th century Chinese MMC be addicted to hard candy and the answer is yes he can. In Sichuan, there is an ancient way of processing sugar to make rock candy. For more, check out this article and the accomoanying video:
@histodon @medievodons #medieval #ancientchina #china #amwriting @histodons #foodhistory
Does anyone recognize a “beati Eurici” listed in an Italian (possibly Sienese) calendar on June 10?
#Medieval #Medievodons @medievodons
Last night I dreamed that a student walked into my office with a question about Piers Plowman. I gave him a long, long answer, talking about William Langland, the Malvern Hills, the differences between the A, B, and C-Text versions, the various manuscripts and editions....
It's nice to know I remember all this stuff, even if it's only useful in dreams these days.
#Dream #Today #Medieval
Over 110,000 Medieval Manuscripts May Have Been Copied by Women #medieval #medievalmanuscripts #medievalwomen
Back to #BooksOfHours, another miniature from the Houghton was added today, 2020HEM-79. Possibly from Sienna, later 15th C. It is a lovely MS, but rebound (17th C) and either then or later many leaves were removed. Some offices start in the middle, and folios have ink transfer from non-existent miniatures.
#bookhistory #Medieval #Medievodons @bookhistodons @medievodons
The Bishop’s Stones
Up on the bleak moorlands of the North Pennines today, straddling the borders of Durham, Cumbria, and Northumberland. A landscape of peat groughs and bogs thick with sphagnum moss, stirring memories—not necessarily unpleasant, just good times when I was fit enough to fly over this stuff without hesitating. Judging by the abundance of medicated grit trays and “vermin ...
Top 10 Most Iconic Images of the Middle Ages #Medieval
a reasonable 58 #Manuscripts from #Vatican this week
Still more 17th C Barberini vols, a herbarium, several 15th C classical volumes, a 12th C Ovid, large format liturgical music, more Ethiopic and _more_
#Medieval #Medievodons @bookhistodons @medievodons
(apologies about the resolution, upload issues)
Medieval physicians performed a vivisection on a living patient, study finds #Medieval
While most history isn't allowed anywhere near my fantasy, I do shove a lot of it in my face to reject it directly and personally (while saving just the choicest bits).
Colin Platt is always a favorite, because he wrote well (a rarity among academics). Found this little gem for six bucks, to add to the Platt Pile.
(If you only read one book about a real medieval city, his book on Southampton is one of the best.)
And very importantly I wrote about what would happen if Medieval Europe was humorously examined from the perspective of a person with two cows.
I got a paper published on Armeno-Georgian nobility and how their ideas about rule and rulership worked in the 12th-13th centuries: