Per a recommendation from the amazing @babe, we got ourselves a mulberry silk square from a lovely Etsy seller.
Took us several attempts and guides to work out how to make it successfully work for our long hair though 
Last night, we finally found a video that taught us a method that works for us 
How I Wrap My Wavy Hair At Night: Step By Step Breakdown
We had to leave it running and running though, as she was going through the steps too quickly for us, and we're a slow-learner when it comes to anything physical 
In case anyone wants or needs it, using the power of the Audio To Text (Whisper) function in Subtitle Edit, which allows you to use various engines and models, we turned the audio into text.
Here's the step-by-step breakdown of how I wrap my hair to protect it as I sleep. I'm using a large silk scarf because my hair is really long. And this is just something I had lying around my apartment. It was actually my grandma's. Starting with it over my shoulders like a cape, I'm going to tie these two front corners together, sort of like a headband, just like this. And as you can see, my hair is contained within the scarf. And then I'm going to grab the bottom corners and lift up over my head like this. So now I'm creating a little pouch for my hair. Since this scarf is so big, I then roll it down, lifting my hair up as I do this to get it up behind my head. This is what it looks like. And then I just tie these pieces at the nape of my neck. I then tuck this front piece in and under. And that's it! This is what it looks like at the end. And it's really secure so it doesn't fall off my head, but you can also Bobby pin.
For anyone else who needs to generate almost perfect transcription from audio, we highly recommend using Subtitle Edit if you want subtitles. Otherwise, check out the Whisper Github page. It gives lots of options (including links to standlone executables and programs that support the various engines.
We're using the Faster-Whisper-XXL engine and the faster-whisper-large-v3 English language model.
The Faster-Whisper executables are x86-64 compatible with Windows 7, Linux v5.4, macOS v10.15 and above, but the Faster-Whisper-XXL executables don't have macOS listed as being supported. There's probably some way to get it running though, but we're not code-savvy enough for that